
25 Baby Names Trending Since COVID-19 and 12 Names Parents Are Ditching


Coronavirus is having a lasting impact on society, including what we are naming our babies. According to, expecting parents are rethinking their baby name lists in order to avoid certain names that sound too much like coronavirus or lockdown. 

While some parents are purposely selecting names inspired by COVID-19, such as Sanitiser, Covyd, and Korona, most parents agree that naming your baby after a virus is not the best move.

The poll, of 2000 parents, revealed mums and dads are opting for more positive names for their little ones. Some of the names that are seeing a spike since the coronavirus pandemic include names associated with comfort, virtuous attributes, heroes, and rainbows, which has become a symbol of home in the coronavirus crisis.

lockdown baby name trends
Source: Bigstock

Baby names spiking since lockdown

Names meaning peace

  • Blythe – this vintage option means carefree 
  • Felicity – means happiness at home 
  • Joy – means happiness 
  • Bliss – another cheery choice
  • Solomon or Sol – means peaceful
  • Pax – another name meaning peace 
  • Harbour – associated with home 
  • Haven – another word for a safe space 
  • Constance means ‘constant’
  • Promise another uplifting option

Valourous names

  • Avery – it actually means “ruler of the elves’ but it’s often associated with bravery 
  • Bravery – a less subtle name to signify bravery 
  • Florence – a nod to one of the world’s most famous and influential nurses – Florence Nightengale 
  • Maverick – means ‘independent’ and is another heroic option
  • Hero – doesn’t get any more heroic than Hero
  • Wix or Wicks – This is a pretty obscure one but some people are thinking it has something to do with Joe Wickes – the YouTube PE coach who is keeping our kids fits during isolation

Names of virtue

  • Hope one of the most popular names of virtue and an ideal name for any baby born in 2020
  • Faith another popular virtue name
  • Charity and the third most common name, considered the greatest of the three Christian virtues  with Faith and Hope
  • Patiencesomething we’ve all had to have
  • True Khloe Kardashian named her daughter True and many mums are considering the name

Colourful choices

  • Iris – means rainbow in Greek 
  • Indigo – a lovely blue-inspired baby name
  • Blue – worked for Beyonce 
  • Red – short and sweet, red is commonly used to symbolise strength 

Less popular lockdown baby names

The names that are losing their appeal include:

Coronavirus counterparts

  • Cora or Corah
  • Coren
  • Corina
  • Corona
  • Rona
  • Ronan

Lockdown associations

  • Lochlan
  • Lockie

Virus offenders

  • Viola
  • Violet
  • Violette
  • Vira

What to read next

Avatar of Jenna Galley

Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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