Baby in Intensive Care After Eating Parents’ Cannabis Stash


A baby boy is fighting for his life in hospital after reportedly eating a chunk of cannabis belonging to his mum and dad.

An ambulance transferred the child, who was born in 2019, to the hospital four days ago. He is now in intensive care in Russia and in a “serious condition”.

Please Note:  Drug use and parenting is always an emotive topic. Mum Central does not endorse or encourage illegal drug use. We choose to share this information to remind parents just how dangerous drug use can be, especially around children. 

Oral poisoning after ingesting cannabis 

It is not known just how much cannabis he consumed but according to 7News, the little boy was admitted with “acute oral poisoning”.

A police spokesperson said:

On 28 January 2020 at an apartment on Svetlanovsky Avenue, a baby boy, born in 2019, was hospitalised in a serious condition with acute oral poisoning. According to a preliminary investigation, the child ate a plant-based substance, hashish.”

The parents, both 33, are being detained on remand at a detention centre. The mother is a nursery teacher and the father is a professional carpenter. They are not registered as socially vulnerable.  The mother was fined last year for “the use of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor’s prescription”.

Drug dangers

This isn’t the first time a child has been hospitalised due to ingesting an illegal substance. In October a little girl in Sydney was sent to the ER after consuming an unknown pill she found in her Halloween candy stash.

In May 2019 a baby boy died due to ingesting a combination of methadone, methamphetamine, and amphetamine. The 10-week-old ingested the lethal cocktail of drugs through his mother’s breastmilk.

Hearing news like this is always heartbreaking but it also reminds us just how important it is to be extra careful when it comes to our children. Poisons, batteries, drugs – kids have a way of finding them so please, take the necessary precautions to avoid tragedies like this.

If you think your baby has been affected by alcohol, drug or medication intake call an ambulance (000) immediately. Take the drug or medication with you to the hospital.

Avatar of Jenna Galley

Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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