The tranquilizer challenge is the latest dangerous Tiktok trend to target young children. All 15 students involved were just 10 to 12 years old.
This mum was shocked to uncover the reason for her rib pain in pregnancy and, as it turns outs, this actually common! EEK!
OMG this is too funny! I can totally see my grandma doing this.
Talk about a crazy birth story! This one takes the cake.
Have you heard about this new sleep trick? It’s all about the ears!
We’re blown away by this incredibly simple hack! I cannot count how many times my toddler has lost her sh*t thanks to the bubble wand. But not anymore!
“How can I love another boy? Will I be replacing my first son? How can I love two sons?” This mum’s honesty is so refreshing. Who can relate?
Overdue mums out there, will you test this out?? We’d love to see if it actually brings on labour!
“I got this idea in my head I wanted to give birth in the ocean and because the conditions were right on the day that’s what I did.”
This toddler is pretty insistant that she’s been here before. It got us thinking about whether anyone else has ever had something creepy like this happen to them? Has your child ever shocked you with something they’ve said or something they’ve claimed to have seen?
MAAATTE! Step. Away. From. The. PS5.
As the entire world watches the events unfolding in Ukraine with heavy hearts and unspeakable sadness, a little girl has brought tears to the eyes of millions with her beautiful song and heartbreaking surroundings. Amelia, Australia sees you.