
Parents Rejoice! Someone Invented a LEGO Vacuum that Also Sorts the Bricks


Not all heroes wear capes. This one wears a “Suck It” shirt and rocks a mean mo. His name is Matty Benedetto and he’s the wizard behind Unnecessary Inventions, an Instagram account dedicated to inventions no use actually needs.

Except, of course, a LEGO vacuum cleaner is the MOST necessary invention out there, for parents at least.

All hail the LEGO Suck It! 

Matty’s invention is appropriately called The LEGO Suck It™️ and is a modified vacuum cleaner, inspired by Michael Scott’s idea on ‘The Office’.

It’s designed to not only pick up LEGO bricks, but also SORT them. Yup. This is the stuff of parental dreams, people.

He’s got a video on his Instagram account to showcase how his clever little device works.


Basically, you use it as a normal vacuum cleaner but attached is a multi-stage chamber that magnetically separates for quick organisation of your favourite toy bricks. The larger bricks stay at the top, the smaller bricks at the bottom.

The only thing missing is a colour-coding system.

lego vacuum
Source: Unnecessary Inventions

The chamber is clear so you can easily see it in action and remove each chamber when sorting out the Lego. He’s even got different coloured chambers. If this isn’t the greatest invention ever, I really don’t know what is!

Take my money now

Now, I know what you’re thinking. Where does one purchase this magical LEGO vacuum? Unfortunately, Matty’s Suck It is just a concept at this stage. But who knows – it could become a thing really soon!

In the meantime, check out Matty’s LEGO Socks which makes the pain of stepping over LEGO bricks a thing of the past. Each sock is fitted with a flexible sole that comes with a geometric hole pattern so that you can easily step over them without shouting profanities at the children.

Lego socks
Source: Unnecessary Inventions

Again, WHY AREN’T THESE A REAL THING?? Can someone please make these LEGO products happen??

After all, this isn’t the first time a clever product idea has found its ways onto the shelves.

Just take a look at some of these other amazing parenting inventions.

The Rocking Chair Bassinet

mum central
#babynurserygoals Photo: Wayfair

It’s a rocking chair. It’s a bassinet. It’s both and it’s actually for sale. In America. But still.


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These are literal baby poop gloves. Wear them when cleaning your child’s butt and remove the risk of pinkie poop. Win!

The Self Cleaning Bottle

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This self-cleaning baby bottle was designed by a Melbourne mum and can sterilise itself while you’re on the go.

The NERF Dart Vaccum

nerf dart vacuum

And finally, we give you the NERF dart vacuum that cleans up all your children’s NERF darts in one smooth, efficient motion.

With a little luck, we’ll see the LEGO vacuum and brick sorter on the shelves in the not-too-distant future!

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Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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