Real Stories

Mum Left Gobsmacked after Birth of Beautiful Twins with Different Skin Tones


In April 2022, Chantelle welcomed twins – a boy and a girl. Little Ayon was delivered first and came out with fair skin and green eyes. Chantelle assumed his twin sister, who she named Azirah, would be born with similar features.

The 29-year-old UK mum was shocked to see that her newborn baby girl looked much different with a much darker complexion and brown eyes.

twins with different skin tones
Chantelle with her adorable twins. Source Facebook

Twins with different skin tones

Chantelle is mixed race due to having a Nigerian maternal granddad while the twins’ dad, Ashton is half Jamaican and half Scottish.

The chances of twins of an interracial couple being born with different skin colours is one in 500, according to Dr. Jim Wilson from the University of Edinburgh as reported by the BBC article in 2011.

However, such births are so rare, other genetics experts have previously estimated them at one in a million.

Two peas in a pod

Now, four months on, the twins look even more different and are developing their own unique personalities to match. Since their birth, Azirah’s skin complexion has started to get darker and darker and is the ‘more chilled out’ twin compared to Ayon, who needs a lot more attention.

twins with different skin tones
Ayon and Azirah are best buddies. Source: Facebook

Chantelle is also noticing that their hair texture is different. Although the twins aren’t sprouting a lot of hair just yet, she predicts Azirah will have “thick and curly hair” while Ayn’s will be “completely different”.

The twins also seem to have a special bond with each other and certainly know how to turn heads when out and about! Chantelle joked that she’s sure people think they have two different dads and their difference in appearance is most noticeable when they are seated in their side-by-side pram.

Chantelle told the media, 

It was a shock how different they appeared, they’re unique.  People just stop and say, ‘Oh my god’, they just look totally different. I’ve had people ask ‘Are they both yours?’

Although a lot of the time people don’t want to say it but when we tell them they say it’s crazy as you don’t see it very often.

But I’m so glad they came out the way they are – our own unique little family.”

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Source: Facebook

We love showcasing beautiful multiple-birth babies and Ayon and Azirah are as sweet as can be.

Daniel and David 

Allow us to introduce you to another sweet set of twins – Daniel and David,  who share many of the same features – big brown eyes, curly hair, cheeky grins. They are similar in height and weight but have contrasting skin and hair colour.

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Daniel, like his dad, Babajide, mum, Stacy and big sister, Demalade, has dark skin and dark hair while David has very light skin and golden-coloured hair, the result of a genetic condition known as albinism.

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These two are the perfect pairing and are constantly up to adorable antics – check out their story here. 

Cousins, twins, brothers – but how??

This unique twin story is also quite baffling – you see, Jett and Jax are brothers, cousins, and twins, even though they don’t share the same mother or father. Jett’s parents are Josh and Britney while Jax’s parents are Jeremy and Briana.

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Source: Instagram

But here’s the twist.- Briana and Britney are identical twins and so are Jeremy and Josh.

salyer twins jett and jax

Twin sisters procreating with twin brothers means their babies, born less than three months apart, are considered ‘”full genetic siblings” and “quaternary multiples”. You can read how that even works right here. 

The twin cuddle

Here’s another heartwarming twin story – Baby Neve and Louis were born at the same time but very different in weight at birth!

twins reunite in powerful photos

Here’s a snap of the twins, who were separated after birth for two weeks, reuniting for a cuddle. What an incredible difference in weight!

Have multiples? 

We’d love for you to share your story with us! All stories and videos are welcome including pregnancy and birth stories, the highs and lows of motherhood, hacks and transformations, little heroes, real-life stories and more.

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Avatar of Jenna Galley

Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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