What would you do? Change it or leave the name as is?
Looking for some hints on what baby names will top the charts this year? Here’s the top baby names predicted to trend in 2020.
Well, you gotta hand it to the parents – it’s definitely a ‘clean’ name. ‘Sanitiser’ is just one of the many newborns being gifted with a COVID-inspired baby name.
Stuck on a baby name? Have a look at these names that perfectly complement the month your little one will be born.
Get ready for it – we’ve counted down 10 coronavirus baby names that you need to social distance yourself from. Which is your fave? #5, #3 and #1 nearly killed me.
Oh lordy lord, what do we have here? A whole new generation of made-up baby names, that’s what, including Maevery, Elisobelle, and Faelina. Which one is your fave?
We guarantee you know at least TEN people with one of these middle names. Come on, take a stab on what made number one…
Is it time to dethrone Charlotte and Oliver and allow a new generation of names to take the top spots? We think YES! Here are the 10 names that could take their place.
Charlotte and Charlie, Olive and Oliver, Kai and Khaleesi. Behold, the 65 baby names that will forever have a place in the 2010s decade.
If you’re about to pop, we’ve got a present for you! Behold, the ultimate list of Christmas baby names. No Rudolf or Prancer, we promise.
Shazza, Dazza and Epponnae-Rae, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. These bogan names are next level.
If you’re having a baby in 2020, then you need this list in your life. We count down 30 baby names that will spike in popularity next year.