When it comes to sex, are you water, earth, air or fire? Here’s how to find out what your sex sign is!
No more third wheeling for Robert Irwin, he has a new love and she’s gorgeous!
Single mums, here is an awesome idea! Would you and your bestie ever do this?
Trigger Warning: “He came back a few hours later with a gun, demanding I go with him again. And at 2:48pm, he shot me five times in front of our children.” Please, take a moment to read this brave woman’s story. Her message is one that every woman needs to hear.
Sexy time is a dangerous sport! This survey reveals Australia’s most common sex injuries and hazardous positions. Ouch!
Amber was scrolling through Instagram like she did every afternoon when she noticed a park in an influencer’s story that looked familiar. This was just the beginning…
Oh man! It doesn’t get any weirder than this. We’ve picked our fave but which one would you put at #1?
Sleep divorce is a hot topic these days – what do you think about it? Do you and your hubby sleep in separate beds?
Did someone say cake? A wedding guest who loves dessert so much she sliced right into the bride and groom’s wedding cake for a piece!
Flower power! Check out these golden girls living their best lives as flower girls. LOVE!
Here’s one way to make a baby shower all the more special – throw in a surprise wedding! This couple stun and delight family and friends with the epic surprise!
A bride-to-be has divided the internet with her list of intense wedding day rules for her guests. But are they really that bad? You be the judge.