Ever noticed how much breast milk pours out of one boob when you’re feeding on the other? Only to then have to pump later? Talk about a letdown.
Enter Mumasil. A breast milk saver and the best darn invention we’ve come across since we don’t even know what. The toilet? And yep, of COURSE it was created by a mum.
These nifty silicone breast milk shells let you collect a whopping 150ml (or more!) of breastmilk a day. Without doing ANYTHING. That’s right, no need to express. The only pump you’ll need is your fist in the air. YASSS!
Milk for days
When I was breastfeeding my boys I was lucky enough to have tons of milk. Seriously, I had enough to feed triplets each time. My letdowns were a jet spray force to be reckoned with. And I ripped through the nursing pads so I wouldn’t be caught looking like the lamest wet t-shirt competition entrant ever.
Even still, I spent A LOT of time expressing milk. It was great to have the freedom of popping out solo for a hour or two without worrying bub would be hungry. And my little guys all had reflux. So I frequently had to express milk and then put thickener and probiotics in it. Plus hubby liked to have a go feeding the little ones with a bottle too.
Yeah so basically I expressed a hell of a lot. While in the meantime I was also leaking and spraying milk all over the shop that was being wasted. Man I wish this breast milk saver product had existed back then!

A neat booby trap
The Mumasil Breast Milk Collection Shells are two cup like shells that you pop over your boobs and nestle into your bra. Made from food grade silicone/PP, they’re designed to catch all the breast milk that leaks (or sprays) out when you’re feeding on the other boob. Or watching a Huggies ad on TV. Or in direct line of a cool breeze.
All that milk that normally gets soaked into a breast pad and thrown away (or soaked into your clothing), is captured and stored. Ready for your baby. Each cup holds 30ml of breast milk in each shell. So once teach breast milk saver is full, simply pour into a container (using the built-in spout) and store in the fridge. Then wash the cups and pop them right back on, ready for more milk collection. Boob-ya!
The Mumasil creator found she was able to collect 150ml in total a day. Amazing!
Save time, money and your sanity
Can you IMAGINE how much time I would have saved expressing with these babies? And I was very good at expressing. What about all those poor mums who can’t get the hang of a breast pump and therefore feel they can’t leave their baby for two seconds?
Breast pumps aren’t cheap either, and neither is the expense of dozens of breast pads. Especially when you’re like I was and churning through them faster than Snoop Dogg in a joint factory. A breast milk saver is so affordable in comparison.
Other milktastic benefits
On top of collecting precious breast milk for your precious bub, the Mumasil wonder cups (yes that’s what I’m calling them now), are awesome for these other reasons too:
- No more chaffing – Protect those sore and cracked nips from rubbing with a soft, comfy shell cushion.
- They’re eco-friendly – No more buying endless breast pads. Simply wash and reuse these suckers – yes you can pop them in the dishwasher (did we mention a mum invented these)?
- No embarrassing leaks – Meryl Streep apparently had a letdown inside her 1980 Golden Globes dress and had to cross her arms over her chest during an acceptance speech. If only she’d had these Mumasil shells! They protect your clothing from moisture and stains, but are discreet enough you won’t see them inside your bra.
- They’re safe – Completely non-toxic and BPA free, made from food grade silicone/PP. The twins will love them (and so will your babies).
Get your boobs on them
If you’re breastfeeding then what the shell are you waiting for? A pack of two Mumasil Breast Milk Collection Shells will only set you back $24.95. And they also have a cool hands-free breast milk saver device (for those fast flowing mums who want to catch a bit more when feeding). Plus reusable cool and warm breast packs to soothe those poor engorged melons. To buy or for more info head to Mumasil.
Then next time you’re in the supermarket and someone else’s baby cries – look down at the Niagra Falls situation happening in front and smile. Because that’s right, your baby can slurp that goodness up later on while you have a guilt-free glass of wine.
Keen to know more about breastfeeding? Read our tips here for what to expect when you start breastfeeding and also a guide for how to tell if your baby is getting enough breastmilk.
And if you’ve moved on from breast to bottle, make sure to enter our competition to win a Tommee Tippee Perfect Prep bottle making machine.