
Lucky Names: 26 of the Luckiest Baby Names for your Little Charm


A little luck in life goes a long way so it makes sense that more and more parents are choosing a lucky name for their latest arrival.

Lucky names – names that connote good fortune and happiness – are creeping up the baby naming charts. However, none of our fave picks for lucky names have hit the top 20 most popular names in Australia (yet). Some are rising stars, such as Asher and Felix, while others are rare diamonds in the rough, such as Zada and Walken.

lucky names
Source: Bigstock

So, if you’re after a super cute name that’s not too trendy but also may promote good fortune, you’re in luck! Check out these 26 charming choices:

Lucky names for boys and girls 

The rising stars 

You have probably heard most of these names before, but do you know their meaning?

1. Felix –  From the Latin word, meaning “lucky” or “fortunate“. Felix is one of the most names we predict we will see a lot more of coming up. Think 2023’s Milo.

2. Felicity – Another one meaning “good fortune, happy”. 

3. Edmund – It’s a bit old school and formal but it is also a very strong name that means “fortunate protector” – cute for a big brother! 

4. Winifred – Winifred is another old-school option which a lovely meaning – “blessed peacemaking” – and a cute nickname – little Winnie! 

5. Bennett – An alternative to Benjamin, Bennett means “blessed”.

6. Beatrix – The name Beatrix is a force. Not only is it a lucky name which means she who brings happiness; blessed”, but it’s also very strong and considered one of the top warrior names too. 

7. Asher – Probably one of the most common “lucky” names out there, Asher means “blessed, happy one” and is a Biblical name. Asher was one of Jacob’s 12 sons and the name comes from the word “osher” meaning “happiness”.

8. Quinn – Cute for any gender, Quinn means “intelligence” and is also considered a name that promotes good fortune.

Symbolic lucky names

There are plenty of symbolic lucky names including Clover, Charm, Karma, Kismit, Destiny, Fortune and Lucky. However, the ones below are our faves.

8. Jade – This is a common symbol for luck and good fortune in nature including the Jade gemstone and the Jade plant, both meant to promote prosperity, balance and wealth. It’s also closely linked to success.

9. Amber – Amber is a rare gemstone that is meant to promote luck.

10. Penny – Short for Penelope, and shiny and lucky, just like a penny!

11. Seven – You know, as in Lucky #7! It’s a little out there, but, hey, it’s kind of cute. It can also be shortened to Sev, or Sevvie.

12. Octavia – This is another “number” name -the number eight to be exact which is also meant to be lucky in Chinese culture.

13. Ace – A lucky card and a lucky name, Ace also means “one, unity” which is a lovely connotation for what a new baby brings to the family.

14. Chance – Another game of luck name, the name comes with the literal meaning of “good fortune”.

15. Iris – Meaning “rainbow”, one of the luckiest symbols out there (and a little less obvious than going with Rainbow).

16. Walken – Another word that means “Rainbow”, Walken is Australian Aboriginal and is typically used for baby boys. 

17. Poppy – This pretty red flower symbolises good luck in Chinese culture.

Uncommon lucky names 

Here are a few lucky names you won’t hear every day.

18. Zada –  There are a few variations spelling-wise for Zada (Zaida, Zayda), all of which can be considered lucky – this girl’s name of Arabic origin means “fortunate, prosperous”.

19. Dalia – The goddess of fate, childbirth and weaving, Dalia also means “fate” or “luck”.

20. Kader – I’ve never heard of this one before but it means “fate” and “destiny” in Turkish and can be shortened to Kade.

21. Merritt – This is another unique option that means “deserving of fortune”.

22. Evangeline – I’ve always found this name to be very elegant and pure. It’s especially lovely for those who enjoy names with longer sounds (such as Josephine or Persephone). Evangeline means the “bearer of good news”.

23. Halona –  This Native American name means “good fortune” and can be shortened to Hallie.

24. Yuki – While Yuki isn’t very popular in Australia, it is quite common in Japan, especially for boys. Yuki means “lucky” or “snow”.

25. Moira – Moira comes from the Greek word for “fate or destiny” and makes a charming choice, especially if you are a fan of Schitt’s Creek and can say the name without adding Rose to the end.

26. Ottilie – Ottilie is not only fancy, but also fortunate. It means “fortunate in battle” and also has that old-school vintage vibe.


Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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