
Names of the Women Who Will Most Likely Have a Baby in 2024


If your name is on this list, it could mean a baby is on the cards. We’ve predicted the top 40 names of the women who are already pregnant or will become pregnant in the next few months.

How do we know? We don’t know anything for sure (I mean, who does??). But we do have a fun way to guess the names of mums welcoming a baby in 2024.

Here’s how we figured it out:

In Australia, the average age of a mum is 31.1 years. This means that women who are 31 right now have the greatest chance of falling pregnant. 

If you are 31 right now, then you were born in either 1992 or 1993, right?

surrogate pregnant twins
Source: Bigstock

So, to uncover the names of the women who are 31 this year (and thus most likely to conceive), all we had to do was track down the list of the most popular Australian baby names of 1992 and 1993. Which, thanks to the internet, we did.

Drum roll, please. Here are the names of the women most likely to be welcoming a baby in 2024: 

1. Jessica 21. Elizabeth
2. Sarah 22. Danielle
3. Samantha 23. Amanda
4. Rebecca 24. Hayley
5. Emily 25. Natasha
6. Emma 26. Chloe
7. Lauren 27. Cassandra
8. Stephanie 28. Sophie
9. Amy 29. Brooke
10. Laura 30. Ashley
11. Hannah 31. Caitlin
12. Rachel 32. Michelle
13. Ashleigh 33. Megan
14. Georgia 34. Lisa
15. Nicole 35. Olivia
16. Kate 36. Jade
17. Alexandra 37. Taylor
18. Brittany 38. Kayla
19. Melissa 39. Erin
20. Natalie 40. Courtney


Source: Behind the Name. NSW only 

Names of men most likely to welcome a baby in 2024

In terms of the names of the new dads of 2024, we need to look at the average age of fathers in Australia which, at this stage, is 33.1 to 33.7 years old. So, if your man is 33 right now, then he could be gearing up for Dadville next year. 

These are the most popular names used 33 years ago:

  • Matthew
  • Daniel
  • Joshua
  • Michael
  • James
  • Christopher
  • Benjamin
  • Andrew
  • Luke
  • Mitchell

Remember, this is all just a bit of fun! But if you are gearing up for a baby in 2024, we’ve got some excellent resources to take advantage of!

Baby Buying Guides

NEWBORN BABY CHECKLIST: What do you need when welcoming a baby? We’ve made it easy for you with our top picks for everything baby.

NURSERY CHECKLIST: Check out our top finds for the nursery this year as well as tips and tricks for creating the perfect space for you and your little one.

Baby Naming Galore! 

Many readers may not know this but our baby naming section is HUGE! We have a dedicated baby name expert who is constantly checking out the trends and sharing insights on baby names. Have a look around the BABY NAMES section and check out some of our most popular baby-naming posts this year.

BABY NAME GENERATOR: Simply find your due date and see what our Baby Name Genie chooses for your baby’s name.

mum central

MOST POPULAR BABY NAMES OF 2023: Find out what the top 10 baby names are this year and see the full list of what mums and dads are choosing across Australia.



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If you haven’t already joined us, now’s the time to do it!

Avatar of Jenna Galley

Born and raised in Canada, Jenna now lives in Far North Queensland with her tribe. When the mum-of-three is not writing, you can find her floating in the pool, watching princess movies, frolicking on the beach, bouncing her baby to sleep or nagging her older kids to put on their pants.

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